A quick and dirty run down
Cleaning Up With ActiveModel Dirty
ActiveModel::Dirty is a handy module that allows you to detect when an object has changed from the model level. I’ve found this to be incredibly helpful when you only want to run a method after a specific change occurs. You are able to track these changes by appending _changed?
to the attribute being listened to.
Often times I will use ActiveModel:Dirty in a call back like so:
after_save :is_hungry
def is_hungry
if is_hungry_changed?
These dirty methods also give us the ability to view what changes have been made. This can be done by appending the attribute we are expecting to change with _change
, resulting in an array that contains the previous and new values.
matty.favorite_pizza = 'bbq chicken'
matty.favorete_pizza_changed? # => true
matty.favorite_pizza_change # => ['mushroom and olive', 'bbq chicken']
Another powerful option Dirty provides is the ability to return true or false when a change meets a specific requirement
matty.preferred_crust # => 'New York'
matty.preferred_crust = 'Sicilian'
matty.preferred_crust_changed?(from: 'New York', to: 'Sicilian') # => true
There are a handful of other useful methods you can read about in the Rails documentation for a deeper look into this library.